Strategic Planning | for Your Family

We strategically plan all kinds of things — business endeavors, ministry events, outreach efforts.

What about your family?

Family is a big deal. You know it’s supposed to be beautiful, wonderful, filled with memory-making activities and hugs.

Then life happens. Then what does family feel like mostly? Complicated. Confusing. Frustrating.


It doesn’t have to be this way. You and your spouse can draw a line in the sand and determine it’s not going to be this way. You can take back your family and decide right now that you’re going to invest and make it different.

It won’t happen overnight and it won’t happen without effort. But it can’t just be our effort. If it’s going to be successful, we need our LORD to guide us.

Check out the Family Vision, Mission & Goals Chart. Here’s a quick preview:

This is just a guide. Download it and use it as the LORD leads you.

Our course, Charting a Course for Your Family’s Future goes into detail on all the background of this chart. Please contact us if we can help you or your church!

Our heart is to help families be solidified, unified and strategically on mission for the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him — and ONLY in Him — will our families find abundant life and peace. Through Him only, and in submission to Him, can our families be effective force in the advancement of God’s Kingdom!